feel the beat of the rhythm of the night

I can be your long lost pal

can anybody find me somebody to love?

Why is everybody so serious, acting so damn mysterious?

fuck it, me and Nicki Nick gettin' married today

we must be fools, we must be crazy


We don't want to get in line!

Utgång idag IGEN(!?) var även ute igår å typ alla andra helger som varit, inte bra! Man måste ju börja ladda upp för beach 2011



utgång på ingång, satsar helt klart på en mer lyckad utgång än förra veckan, KÖR!

allting var så enkelt då

Sick of losing sleep thinking about you

Lay your head on my pillow

Take my thoughts for what they're worth


Blir utgång ikväll med, axel var ju tvungen å jobba igår!
Så idag går vi all in..


spontan utgång, kör!

Well looky here looky here ah, what do we have?




utgång kanske?

Can never be what you carry on body like jewlery and outfits worn, you are what you bring from the inside out

can you hear the horses?

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